Zlatka Grigorova


This report has for an objective to identify the possibilities for integrated development of Hisar municipality through diversification of the tourist product. Based on the analysis of tourist flow for the period 2008-2014 are outlined the opportunities for offering of alternative forms of tourism in the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the tourist product in the region.

Key words: tourism, alternative forms, diversification, competitiveness

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New knowledge Journal of science is financed by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria - contract № КП-06-НП1/5 of 17.12.2019 in the competition of Bulgarian scientific periodicals – 2019

New knowledge Journal of science is financed by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria – contract № ДНП 05/52 от 22.12.2016 in the competition of Bulgarian scientific periodicals – 2016

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National Science Fund of Bulgaria