Hriska Boteva


Field trials were conducted in 2011-2013 on the experimental area of the Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv aiming at establishing of the effect of bioproducts on the yield and quality of tomatoes, variety Vodoley, grown in the conditions of biological production. Bioproducts Lumbrikal and Biosol were used as background in this study and Amalgerol and Biofa were applied in vegetation. The greatest increase in tomatoes yield (by 9,9% до 25,8% compared to the control) was proven statistically after use of Biosol as background and applying of Biofa and Amalgerol. Used backgrounds increased yield, respectively Biosol 10,6% and 9,9% Lumbrikal compared to the control. The effect of bioproducts Lumbrikal used as background on the yield of tomatoes is smaller. The average fruit weight is highest in the variants fertilized background Biosol the use of Biofa and Amalgerol. The increase compared to the control is respectively 16,9 g and 15,0 g fruit. No statistically significant differences between variants, where the backgrounds /Lumbrikal and Biosol/ imported alone. Clear expressed variety response to the influence of the applied fertilization on tomatoes fruit quality was established. Feeding through vegetation with Biofa and Amalgerol has a positive effect on the biochemical indexes.

Key words: Solanum lycopersicum L., organic agriculture, organic products, yield, quality

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National Science Fund of Bulgaria