Ivan Shopov


Abstract: An indisputable fact in the XXI century is the tangible presence of managerial behavior and corporate culture which in recent years are considered as a decisive factor in business. In academia trends in this direction are strictly monitored and summarized. New approaches in relations between partners, clients, institutions and internal climate are identified. Besides theoretical and practical hints, to the participants in the labor process are also displayed the necessary value systems that do not deplete valuable presence in the pursuit of economic objectives. This study presents the interrelationship and interaction of corporate culture and managerial behavior. Amont the discussed issues are attribute specifics of managerial behavior, major business issues of practicing managers and the factors influencing corporate culture. Conclusions are made about the impact of the relationship between corporate culture and managerial behavior on the effectiveness of management in terms of prosperity of the organization as a whole.

Keywords: managerial behavior, corporate culture, management process, values

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New knowledge Journal of science is financed by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria – contract № ДНП 05/52 от 22.12.2016 in the competition of Bulgarian scientific periodicals – 2016

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