Abstract: During the period 2014-2016 in the experimental field at the Technical University - Varna the influence of the bioproducts Biosol, Biofach and Emosan was studied on growth manifestation and productivity of tomato, variety Kopnej F1, in two schemes of cultivation in terms of biological production.
The impact of bioproducts on the vegetative mass was more expressive in the one-line scheme cultivation as the average effect of fertilization was 17.3% higher compared to the control. The effect of bioproducts is 3.5% higher than the two-line scheme. Bioproducts used have a positive impact on the total number and weight of fruits (red and green) in the variety Kopnej F1.
The index of productivity is the highest in two-line scheme cultivation in feeding with fertilizers Emosan + Biofach (3.8%).
Keywords: Solanum lycopersicum L., bioproducts, vegetative mass, productivity, number of fruits, index productivity.
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New knowledge Journal of science is financed by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria – contract № ДНП 05/52 от 22.12.2016 in the competition of Bulgarian scientific periodicals – 2016
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