Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench. is cultivated as medicinal, ornamental, honey-bearing, essential oil-bearing and it is economically usefull culture for leading in crop- rotations in different regions.
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) were established on E. purpurea in Bulgaria, as pathogens causing virus diseases that decreased the yield of leaves, roots and seeds.
СМV, PVY, TSWV were established as viral pathogens in Ukraine by different virological methods. Biological (organic) cultivation of purple coneflower was used in Ukrainian private farm “Merkuriy”, Poltava district in 2016 and 2017. High humus content was achieved by different methods of the organic agriculture: using of compost, crop rotations, fallow land. The humus content of the black earth soil after 8 years with organic agriculture in “Merkuriy” farm was 5,7% in comparison with the control field of black earth soil with the conventional agriculture and the humus content – 2,6%. Purple coneflower plants with symptoms of virus diseases did not observed in the “Merkuriy” farm, but in the control plantation Echinacea plants with chlorotic spotting were observed. The yield of leaves, stems and flowers from purple coneflower, cultivated by organic agriculture was 4,58 t/hа on the second year in comparison with 3,93 t/hа for virus infected plants growth under conventional agriculture. The yield of roots was 1,97 t/hа and 1,41 t/hа respectively.
Full Text:
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