Aim of the study was to conclude on adaptation of modern varieties to the requirements of sustainable agriculture and hence the effectiveness of their methods of selection with respect to these requirements. The comparison between genotypes in two directions - by the selection methods by which they were established and according to the time of their creation. Tested a total of 11 genotypes were created between 1972 and 2008. The results show a more efficient absorption of nutrients from the soil in the newer varieties. Despite these results, the profitability of production remained at the same level over the years (an average of the profitability ratio ~ 1.6). Economic profitability is not correlated with the efficiency of fertilization but depends on the gross energy yield of grain yield (which is a composite indicator), and increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer rate to 18 kg/da a.s. Most stable values of the coefficient of profitability were detected in the same species, provided that the gross energy yield of grain varies relatively the least element of agrotechnics – „Sadovo 1“, „Boryana“, „Geya 1“.
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New knowledge Journal of science is financed by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria - contract № КП-06-НП1/5 of 17.12.2019 in the competition of Bulgarian scientific periodicals – 2019
New knowledge Journal of science is financed by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria – contract № ДНП 05/52 от 22.12.2016 in the competition of Bulgarian scientific periodicals – 2016
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