Rezear Kolaj, Petar Borisov, Teodor Radev, Adela Osmani Ergen


The nature of social and climate change problems has expanded and negative externalities have increased everywhere, raising concerns about the trend of production. The high age of the farmers and the effects of flood damage, the wind damage and temperature damage are everywhere present in agricultural activities and may have additional effects to the trend of agricultural production. The literature supports the impact of several such factors as the age, the flood damage, the wind damage and temperature damage to the trend of production. The study’s objective is to test the potential impact between social and climate changing factors to the trend of agricultural production, illustrating with the case of farmers apple producer in north–eastern Albania (region of Dibra). The results of the statistical models used suggest that the age, the flood damage, the wind damage and temperature damage affects to the trend of production and also reveals interactions between them. Policymakers should focus, through incentives for farm adaptation with new technologies and must works on its modernization aiming increase of investments that provide sustainability and long–term–returns.


The trend of production, age, flood damage, climate changes, agriculture, Albania

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