Zlatina Uhr, Evgeniy Dimitrov, Teodora Angelova


The experiment was conducted on the experimental field of IPGR „K. Malkov”, Sadovo during the period 2016-2018. The investigation was conducted in block shame in three repetitions with the size of the experimental plot of 10 m². Fourteen advanced breeding lines of common winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Sadovo 1 and Enola varieties were evaluated. The grain yield was recorded at a standard humidity of 13%. The main qualitaty indicators were monitored: 1000 kernel weight, test weight (kg/hl), sedimentation number, fermentation number, wet gluten content, relaxation of the gluten, bread making strength index and dry gluten. For the distance study, multivariate methods to determine the genetic distance between the participating genotypes were used. According to the cluster analysis dendrogram and the distances between the studied materials, they are divided into two main groups. The attached graphic of PC analysis shows the relationships between the studied indicators and the grouping of genotypes at the genetic distance between them. These methods can reduce the breeding progress by using the established genetic distance as a basis for the development of breeding program.


common winter wheat, perspective lines, grain quality, yield, genetic distance

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