Veselka Vlahova, Vinelina Stoyanova


This experiment aims at researching the impact of the biofertiliser Hemozim Bio N5 on the productive characteristics of pepper of the variety of Kurtovska Kapiya 1619 and the “soil respiration” during vegetation. The experiment was carried out in the years of 2013 and 2014 at the Agroecological Center at the Agricultural University- Plovdiv, in conformity with the principles of the organic agriculture. The obtained results show that the triple feeding during vegetation with the biofertiliser Hemozim Bio N5 impacts the development of the pepper plants and on the standard yield probably due to the high content of organic nitrogen in the biofertiliser. It was established that the “soil respiration” was more intensive on the 14th day, reaching its peak on the 28th day, thus probably showing that for the past period there was activation of the microbial activity in the soil under the influence of the nutritional substances introduced through the biofertiliser Hemozim Bio N5, on the one hand, and due to the impact of the agrotechnical activities and the agrometeorological conditions, on the other hand, thus increasing the soil biological activity.

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