Rezear Kolaj, Petar Borisov, Adelida Osmani Ergen, Ekaterina Arabska


The increasing speed of change and social effects as a result of new technologies and the spread of information represent a phenomenon that everywhere has modified the functioning of the economy and consumption. A study on the impact of socio–economic factors on decisions on the consumption of imported vegetables by the citizens of Tirana in the context of these new dynamics is a topics of research interest. Agarwala et al. (1972), argue impact of socio–economic factors to the consumption. The paper’s objective is a measurement impact of socio–economic factors such as age, food safety, purchasing quantity, income, price preference, number of family members and status of employment represented by workers to the consumption of imported agricultural products in the markets of Tirana, Albania. The results of the statistical linear model used shows that variables age, price preference and purchasing quantity not affects to the consumption of imported vegetables, while income, food safety, the employment status represented by the workers and the number of family members are influential factors. Findings show an interaction of socio–economic phenomena to consumption.


Consumption, income, price preference, workers, imported vegetables, Albania

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