Petya Raeva, Snezhana Ivanova


An analysis of the activities in the restaurant business, characteristics of the main processes taking place in the catering and entertainment establishments has been made. The strategic functions including actions planned for the development of a good and successful restaurant business in perspective and in the future have been examined. As strategic functions in the food establishment, planning of restaurant menu, development of supply program, development of new marketing strategy and development of business plan for better results are considered. Exemplary methodologies for controlling production, sale and consumption of culinary products are proposed. An exemplary standard for standardization in the overall organization of production and service in a catering establishment is proposed, divided into three groups: technological processes in the production of culinary and confectionery products; activities in the sales hall and technological service process. A sample guide for food and entertainment operations management is proposed that can be practically applied in restaurant marketing, ensuring success in this business. The introduction of innovations in the restaurant industry is especially necessary after the pandemic years, in which many establishments closed and others are still experiencing difficulties. The introduction of innovative technologies in the restaurant business makes it easier for users and consumers to feel satisfied with the consumption of the restaurant product.


Restaurant industry, standard, operations management, electronic marketing

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New knowledge Journal of science is financed by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria – contract № ДНП 05/52 от 22.12.2016 in the competition of Bulgarian scientific periodicals – 2016

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National Science Fund of Bulgaria