Anthropogeography and economic geography within two epoices

Tihomir Lichev


The present study is an attempt for an interdisciplinary analysis of the development of geography within several epochs in town of Svishtov before and after the Second World War. Logically, the beginning of geography as anthropogeography is placed under the lecture of the German geography school by Professor Anne. Ishirkov. His followers undoubtedly were Prof. G. Gunchev, Assoc. Dronchilov, Prof. Dr. D. Yaranov, and others. The greatest contribution is undoubtedly Prof. Dr. Iv. Batakliev. Before the Second World War, the only scientist with different scientific thinking was an acad. Beshkov. He definitely stands behind the views of economic (economic) geography. It was for this reason that he was appointed to the "D. A. Tsenov "in the town of Svishtov. Gradually there is a whole school of economic geography, in which a number of professors take part - T. Yordanov, Hr. Marinov, Sl. Slavev and followers. The present study highlights the main differences between the two trends in native geography and the role of the historical age.


anthropogyography, economic geography, Svishtov Geographic School

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