Potential of soil for sustainable intensification of Ukrainian agriculture
Introduction. The relevance of the study is that one of the main conditions for sustainable agriculture is the constant preservation of the optimal level of soil fertility.
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is assessment of potential of soil for sustainable intensification of Ukrainian agriculture.
Methodology / approach. Different methods we used to achieve the goal in the research: abstract-logical, statistical, monographic, calculation-analytical, graphical, expert assessments. As the main material for these studies, State Statistics Service of Ukraine data, State Institution «Institute for Soil Protection of Ukraine» data were used.
Results. We consider the current state and trends of the state of soil fertility of arable land in the regions and zones ofUkraine. The potential of the soil for sustainable intensification of agriculture in the regions and zones ofUkraine is estimated. This potential was evaluated on the basis of soil fertility data, in particular regarding the content of organic matter, which is one of the main conditions for long-term increasing of agricultural land productivity. The role of soil-ecological zoning as a basis for revealing the agro-resource potential of soils is shown.
Originality / scientific novelty. For the first time an attempt was made to assess the potential of the soil for sustainable intensification in agriculture of regions and zones ofUkraine; the main factors influencing this potential are identified.
Practical value / implications. The obtained results can be used to make managerial decisions on sustainable intensification of agriculture at the regional level. However, on the local (farm) level, more research is needed.
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