Study of the specifics of communication between the different levels in the health facility

Ivo Dimitrov, Valentin Irmov


According to more than half of all respondents (56.31%), criticism of management should be saved at all costs in order to maintain good communication within the team. By increasing the education of the respondents, the relative share of those who think that criticism to management should not be saved is also increasing. For medics receiving remuneration of up to BGN 500, there is a relatively high percentage of those who believe that criticism to management should be saved at all costs. For those working in private health care establishments, the percentage of medics who believe that they should not criticize management, even when there is a reason to do so, is considerably higher than that for state healthcare workers. Only about a quarter of all survey participants say they do not save criticism for the management. Most of the participants pose as a primary cause of their unwillingness to criticize the management to be the 'fear of sanctions'. It turned out that the majority of the respondents found the cohesion in the team in which they work at an insufficient level.


peculiarities, communication, research

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