Velizar Petrov, Aleksandar Tonkov, Piotr Żółtowski, Piotr Kociszewski, Radoslav Vician, Sara Megumi Vician, Max A. E. Rossberg, Iryna Shchoka, Tina H. Zakonjšek, Sara Mavrič, Peter Bakonyi, Vanda Marakova, Tatjana Pivac, Miroslav Vujicic


The present study is part of the planned activities of SMARTOUR: Smart Tourism Skills, an adult education project focused on the concept of smart tourism decisions, funded under the ERASMUS+ programme. The research is a starting point in the development of educational materials for adult trainers that will allow them to promote and organize the development of smart tourism among municipalities, tourist organizations and businesses that are active in tourism development. The main objective of the study was to determine the needs for improvement of the curriculum and the development of educational methodologies and the subsequent development of teaching materials. The diagnostic survey method was used to assess the needs. Survey information was obtained through the use of an electronic online tool „Google Form” and all responses remained confidential. The survey received 165 responses from respondents. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Results: implementation of the concept of smart tours in the majority of respondents related to activities related to digitization. The proposed course curriculum should contain basic information on the main pillars of the concept of smart tourism: accessibility, sustainability, digitalization, cultural heritage and creativity, cooperation and marketing. Accessibility: „Strategies to increase the accessibility of the tourist destination” (e.g. smart city maps, „Accessibility of information” (e.g. availability of accessibility information in tourist destinations, digital accessibility of cities/sites). Sustainability: „Sustainable development” (e.g. the importance of technology to improve sustainable tourism, smart and sustainable tourist destinations, protection and improvement of the natural environment). Digitization: „Using technology in tourism to improve experiences”, „Smart management”, „Mobile payments”, “Understanding visitor methods” Cultural heritage and creativity: “Experiential tourism” (e.g. basics of local gastronomy), “Sustainable revitalization of traditions and cultural heritage” (e.g. rediscovery of local culture, use of traditional crafts and tourism events).Collaboration and marketing: „Tourism marketing with technological support” (eg principles of online marketing), „Competitiveness and networking”, „Collaboration in the tourism industry”.


Smart Tourism Skills, Smart cities, Tourist Destination Management

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