Pavlina Dimitrova


The article discusses the reasons for the emergence of integrated reporting. The key role of these reports is indicated. The principles and elements of the reports are discussed in detail. An empirical study of companies in the financial sector proves that the required legal framework is complianced.

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Onlayn talkoven rechnik - Internet-resurs: http://talkoven.onlinerechnik.com/duma/integriran

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Talkuvane na termina “autsorsing” - iztochnik: https://evs-translations.com/blog/bg/outsourcing-2/ - Autsorsingat se definira kato „deystvie v praktikata za poluchavane na stoki ili uslugi chrez dogovor ot vanshni iztochnitsi“. Ako se vgledame v samata duma, tya e sashtestvitelnoto na glagola outsource, obrazuvan ot sachetavaneto na dumite out (ot staroangliyskata duma ut sas znachenie na „izvan“) i source (ot starofrenskata duma sourse, koyato oznachava „osnova ili proizhod“).

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Sayt na Stara planina AD: https://www.sphold.com

Sayt na Sinergon holding AD: http://synergon.bg/

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Sayt na Evrohold AD: https://www.eurohold.bg/

Sayt na DSK AD: https://dskbank.bg/

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Sayt na Rayfayzenbank AD: https://www.rbb.bg/bg/individualni-klienti/


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