In recent decades, global warming has affected the development of agriculture, incl. and on viticulture. Vineyards and winemakers must take into account the fluctuations of climatic elements now and in the future. Based on these positions, the author believes that the topic of agro-climatic conditions for vine development are relevant, given the opportunities for production of quality grapes and wine.
The main purpose of the study is to investigate some of the main agro-climatic indicators for vine development related to air temperature and their fluctuations for different periods of time such as: duration (days) of periods with stable retention of air temperature above 10°C, accumulated temperature sums, the frost-free period, etc., in a certain geographical area.
The analysis was made on the basis of a basic period of 50 years - 1931-1980. Regarding the fluctuations of the indicators related to the main period, 30-year series have been formed for the periods 1981–2010 and 1989–2019. The respective conclusions, summaries and conclusions have been made.References
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