Zlatka Grigorova


The study includes an analysis of the situation, trends and prospects for the development of the tourism industry on a global and local scale. The subject of the study is the relation: globalization – EU integrationtourism - glocalization. The basic features of globalization in economic, environmental, cultural and political terms have been presented, as well as the characteristics of the process at global, European and national level. The concept of glocalization in its economic, political and cultural aspect has been clarified. Presented are the ideas of the author for the relation between global and local capabilities of modern society, the new vision of the world, the challenges and potential benefits of glocalization. Proposed is a spatial model of the relation within the EU, national economies and tourism as a modern way to promote the development of sustainable, responsible and high-quality tourism, sustainable and high-quality European destinations, the optimal utilization of the EU policies and financial instruments for the conversion of European tourism into a competitive, modern, sustainable and responsible industry.


globalization, EU integration, tourism, glocalization


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Copyright (c) 2017 Zlatka Grigorova

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ISSN 1314-9113 (print), ISSN 2535-0609 (on-line)

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