The cultivation and use of wheat as a crop dates back 10,000 years ago. Nowadays it has a major role in feeding mankind. This is one of the reasons for being the subject of massive research work. The selection of modern wheat began more than 80 years ago. It goes through various stages related to a complete change of the plant model and architecture. It begins to stand out with more productive tillers, forms more grain per spike, and most of all it has low and stringy stems, which makes it more stable to canopy. The ultimate goal is to increase yield.
In Bulgaria, the beginning of the wheat breeding was placed in Sadovo by Konstantin Malkov, but the most significant development was in Northeastern Bulgaria (South Dobrudzha) with the establishment of the Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute in 1951. The next few decades are characterized by intensive work and the breeding scientific researchers managed to create 106 varieties by 2018. The first stages of this complex process are associated with an increase in grain yield, and high quality, balanced wheat with high productive potential is created in the following periods
The aim of this investigation is to study the development and traditions in the breeding of common wheat in Southern Dobrudzha.Keywords
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