Veselka Vlahova, Vladislav Popov


Organic agriculture is one among the broad spectrum of production methods that are supportive of the environment. One of the proposed solutions to environmental and human health protection issues is the implementation of natural technologies of plant cultivation and fertilization through applications of biofertilizers. The objective of this research was to identify impact of certain biofertilizers, applied as basic fertilization and as additional soil feeding during vegetation, on biological productivity and standard yield of pepper. This experiment was carried out in the period from 2009 to 2011 on the experimental fields of the Agroecological Centre at the Agricultural University - Plovdiv (Bulgaria) with pepper of the variety of “Sofiiska Kapiya”. The research focused on following biofertilizers- Boneprot, Lumbrical, Baikal EM-1Y and Bio One. The study used following parameters: standard yield and economic productivity of plants including number of fruits per plant, mass of fruits and pericarp thickness. A higher standard yield was reported upon the combined fertilization with Baikal EM-1Y and Lumbrical, as the increase comparing to the non-fertilized control was by 31.9%, (2009), 45.3% (2010) and 32.2% (2011). The dynamics of the total number of fruits per plant showed higher values upon the application of microbial biofertilizers, i.e. Baikal EM-1Y and Bio One, when in combination with Lumbrical, as the results were identical for all three experimental years. The largest mass of the fruits was found for the variant characterized with the combined application of the Baikal EM-1Y with Lumbrical (2009 and 2011). The roles of the microbial biofertilizers are to strengthen the processes in the agroecosystem, to allow the crops with long vegetation, such as pepper, to show its good biological potential upon preservation of the soil fertility at the same time. The applied biofertilizers protect and preserve the environment by having an impact on the enrichment of the soil cenosis with nutritional substances, by increasing the soil fertility and by ensuring the agroecosystem stability.


biofertilizers, Capsicum annuum L., organic agriculture, productivity, standard yield

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