Mariya Sabeva, Siyka Angelova


The article is an overview analysis on the opportunities for using pea in different directions. Short historical facts for its growing are presented and its significance as a cultural plant. The facts show that pea is a valuable plant from the group of protein crops and has multilateral use: for food for human and animals; as a food chain source; an important precursor on agricultural crops for improving the soil fertility.

The pea is rich in starch – 45%-50%, crude protein – 25%-30% and contains from 1,4% up to 1,8% lysine. The matured pea seeds nutrients and caloricity exceed the meat over 3 times; the fish – 4 times; the rye and wheat bread – 1,5 times; potatoes – 3,5 times; and cabbage – over 6 times. The pea is an important source of plant protein.

The publication contains information about the national collection from pea, stored in the Institute for Plant and Genetic Resources – Sadovo, which is exclusively diverse in phenotype and genotype. The carried out assessment on crude protein content and some other indicators in dry seed and fresh mass allows to all users to choose the most suitable variety, depending on their interest: scientific-theoretical, breeding and production.


Pea (Pisum sativum L.), seed quality, direction of use.

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National Science Fund of Bulgaria